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Wildfire Process

Wildfire is focused on getting you to revenue in 6 months. To go that quickly you need an operating system with clear milestones and tasks to get to done rapidly and confidently.



How does our process help you move quickly?

Clear 11-Step Process

Our battle tested process provides a defined roadmap to take you from concept to your first paying customer and raising capital.

1:1 Mentoring

The wildfire team provides personalized mentoring to answer questions, provide feedback, and make sure you have what you need to move forward.

Wildfire Hub

Our unique app helps you track your progress toward launching your app along with a knowledge base and examples to help you move fast.

Wildfire HQ

Co-working, conference room, and video conferencing space with 24/7 secure access for your entire founding team.

WFL University for Founders

Access to expert training sessions from Wildfire Labs University sessions at Wildfire HQ, virtually, or recorded sessions in Wildfire Hub. 

WFL "Office Hours"

Wildfire provides weekly office hours at Wildfire HQ in Rapid City, or virtually via our Discord server.

Wildfire Startups


Ready to light a fire?

If you have an idea that is ready to go big we’d love to hear about it!